Here’s the third and final instalment of ‘workout wisdom’ features information regarding EMOM functional training.

Having covered HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and AMRAP (As Many Reps/Rounds As Possible) in the first two blogs, EMOM training has been our focus across the Truck this week.


Every Minute On the Minute, an interval based workout whereby you perform a particular number of repetitions as quickly (and safely) as possible at the start of every minute for a set period of time, it’s the perfect workout to pace yourself.  

With no given ‘maximum rep effort’ or specific ‘work : rest’ ratio, an EMOM workout allows you to really put the ‘pedal to the metal’ and rep out as quickly as possible, or it allows you to increase your movement/contraction time with limited rest (given that you start again when the minute strikes).

The beauty of an EMOM session means it allows you to pitch yourself against yourself and review your progress each week; Did you complete the repetitions quicker? Did your RPE (rate of perceived exertion) improve?

Another benefit to an EMOM based functional session is that you can manipulate them to target one specific, or a range of different training loads.   You can look at integrating a power workout into an EMOM style session, looking to develop power under fatigue,  alternatively you can look at the aerobic/anaerobic systems or use the workout to purely time your rest in a strength based session (or you could combine all of these)


As with both HIIT and AMRAP style sessions, the psychological as well as the physiological benefits are massive.  

They are time efficient, as participants don’t waste time between sets, meaning your not spending hours in the gym.  They are scalable in that they allow various levels of ability to train together, yet still push individuals accordingly and they can be adapted to most training goals (strength, cardiovascular, anaerobic, endurance, power etc)


Set a time limit

Set an RPE scale – if you’re completing it too quickly then add more reps (dependant on training goal) or if you aren’t feeling appropriately challenged then add more weight to your resistance.

Progression is monitored through your ability to recover quicker and your RPE over the weeks.


As with all types of training, please make sure you enlist the help of a knowledgeable partner or professional to ensure your technique is sound before you start.  The risk of injury in an EMOM type workout can be relatively high, given you are completing against yourself and the activities may on occasions be complex (more than one muscle group working at a time), therefore your ‘form’ can be the first thing to fail, increasing your likelihood of injury.


HOME Core Based EMOM

Time: 30min

40 x Mountain Climbers

12 x V-Sits

20 x Plank Transfers

GYM based EMOM

Time: 24mins

60 x Wattbike Spins

12 x HRPU

10 x Jump Squats

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